Client Overview

Major pieces of the overall system:

The major pieces of application are describe in our architechture diagram which you can find bellow. Generally speaking, our application is hosted in Heroku which is a cloud base hosting service that allows you to host applications. Currently there are 2 applications hosted in Heroku. The first deals with our application user interface meaning the frontend of the project or what the user actually sees and interacts with in the screen. For this frist application our development team used ReactJS a JavaScript library that allows you to create component base user interfaces. The second is a Flask Python application which is basically in charge of servicing the fronted application or user interface. For the project's database we are using MongoDB which is a no relational database which allows you to create collections to store the information resulting from the user interaction with the app. For more specific information click the image of the Architecture diagram bellow.

Application Architecture Diagram


The frontend application is hosted in Heroku and its set to continuos deployment from github which is where the application code lives. Github is a web application that allows developers to save their code and also collaborate in repositories simultaneously. Continuos deployment means that every time any of the projects developers pushes or save code to github a deployment will be trigger in Heroku. The backend application is also hosted in Heroku and is also set for continuos deployment and the code for this application also lives in Github. As per the project database is hosted in an MongoDB Atlas cluster (Refer diagram architechture for more information).

Project cost:

Currently the cost for the application services is zero but this may change as the projects needs change and also the size of the data managed by the application increases. For more information visit the pages bellow:

Heroku Pricing:

MongoDB Atlas Pricing:

Where is the code:

The code currently lives on Github. There are 2 main repos for the application one that has the frontend code and the other has the backend code. Main Project Repo: Slidedeck. All the code for our app is free to use and MIT Lisence for more information check the developer readme on Github.

Accessing the app:

The app is currently available at:

User accessibility:

The app is only available for the users registered in the application system. In order to register to the app the user first most receive an invitation code and link from the project administrator. Since the app is used in a medical lab unwanted users cannot be able to access the app.

What is next:

As a next step it would be great to setup a domain for the application, that way it would be more intuitive for the users using the app to access the application. More importanly after the semester ends if all the needs to have features are not finished we recommend completing these features since they are the bare minimun the UNC pathologist lab needs to work. After it will be a good idea to tackle the nice to have features. We trully recommend a second round of COMP523 since they can get the advantage of free developers.

Need to have features progress:
Nice to have features progress: